Aqua Lipo your Summer Contour
- Posted on: Jun 15 2020
What about adding water to liposuction? At Creative Image Laser Solutions, we do just that with our popular Aqua Lipo body-contouring treatments. Aqua Lipo is a new method of liposuction where high-pressure water is used to break loose the unwanted fat cells. This creates a much easier overall liposuction procedure.
What is Aqua Lipo?
Aqua Lipo is the first water jet-assisted liposuction technique available in the U.S. It was developed by the Human Med AG company in Germany. Aqua Lipo uses a water jet that delivers a pulsating spray of sterile fluid to break up and flush out fat pockets. Like any liposuction, the fat is then suctioned out by the cannula. The water jet in Aqua Lipo allows fat to be removed from the body without the aggressive force used in older liposuction techniques. This limits the trauma to surrounding skin, muscles, blood vessels, and nerves, making recovery much easier.
What areas can be addressed with Aqua Lipo?
Any area that can be treated with typical liposuction can be addressed with Aqua Lipo, albeit with far less trauma. This includes the abdomen, hips, thighs, knees, arms, and beneath the chin.
The procedure
For these procedures, Dr. Butka first injects a tumescent solution into the area to be treated. This solution is a mix of sterile saline water, Lidocaine, and epinephrine. The saltwater helps open up the area. The Lidocaine provides a local anesthetic. The epinephrine works to constrict the blood vessels, making for substantially less bleeding and subsequent bruising. It also makes the fat cells condense, making them easier to remove.
Once the tumescent solution is injected. Dr. Butka makes a small incision to insert the thin rods that deliver the fan-shaped jet of water under the skin. This dislodges the fat cells, and they are then suctioned away with a cannula. This fat is sent to a collection container where, should the patient choose, it can be purified and re-injected elsewhere (such as the backs of the hands or the temples of the face) or it is discarded.
When the desired amount of fat has been removed, the cannula is removed and the tiny incision is covered, usually with just a Steri-strip bandage. The treated area is then wrapped with pressure dressings. They help force out any remaining fluid in the area, plus the dressings limit any swelling and help the skin tighten down over the new slimmer contour.
Are you interested in putting some water to work this summer, other than just in the pool? Call us at Creative Image Laser Solutions, (325) 641-1927, and set up a consultation for Aqua Lipo.